Thursday, November 4, 2010


Well it was today!  Both kids spent some maths time today working on their telling time skills.  For Ben, its about reading times on clocks more accurately, and for Polly we are starting to move the big hand to the half past position and start learning to tell the time when the big hand isn't at the 12 position!

It was actually fun.  Ben had a great sense of achievement at knowing the times on all the worksheets I gave him which was fantastic.  So I then moved him on to a timed multiplication test to reinforce his times tables ... another big up for him with only one in 50 wrong.  Polly did really well too.  At first she struggled with which number the half past referred to, but I showed her it was referring to the PAST number, so the correct one was the number which the little hand had just past.  This knowledge made it easier but will need continued practice but she made a great start!

It was then onto the dreaded writing, so to cheer them up I had a two prong approach.  One was to say if they went at their writing with an upbeat attitude they could make the Lego advent builds from last year when they had finished and I also wrote a starter on the board .... I can't wait until Christmas.  I really like .......   that got them firing!

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